FAST scale survey | Avalon Memory Care

FAST scale survey

Noticing a decline in your loved one’s cognitive abilities can be incredibly challenging, leaving you uncertain about when it is the right time to seek support and transition to memory care. The FAST (Functional Assessment Staging Test) Scale is a 7-stage assessment commonly used to estimate where an individual may fall in the progression of their disease. 

  This tool, which has many variations online, is easy to use for people who do not have a clinical background. If you believe you or a loved one may be experiencing cognitive decline, please contact a medical professional for diagnosis.


This questionnaire will help you estimate where your loved one might fall on the FAST (Functional Assessment Staging Test) scale for dementia. Please check all that apply to your loved one’s current situation.

Check all that apply to your loved one:

Stage 1: No Dementia
Stage 2: Very Mild Dementia
Stage 3: Mild Dementia
Stage 4: Moderate Dementia
Stage 5: Moderate to Severe Dementia
Stage 6: Moderately Severe Dementia
Stage 7: Severe Dementia